

Look who’s here! 
An HTTP error occurred during file retrieval. Error Code: 403

Are you surprised to see me? 
An HTTP error occurred during file retrieval. Error Code: 403

Sure. I thought you were in Europe. 
An HTTP error occurred during file retrieval. Error Code: 403

I was, but I got back yesterday. 
An HTTP error occurred during file retrieval. Error Code: 403

Exercise 1

Partner A

  1. Europe
  2. the city
  3. at Sandy Beach
  4. school
  5. the office
  6. on the train to New York

Partner B

  • I thought you were in Europe
    An HTTP error occurred during file retrieval. Error Code: 403

Exercise 2

Partner A

  1. got back
  2. two days ago
  3. returned
  4. last Thursday
  5. flew home
  6. on Friday

Partner B

  • I got back yesterday.
    An HTTP error occurred during file retrieval. Error Code: 403