Lesson 3

Part 1

Words 1:

cook 요리하다
sleep 자다
wash 씻다
feed 먹이를 주다
talk on the phone 전화하다
do the dishes 설거지하다
brush a dog 개의 털을 빗다
do one’s homework ~의 숙제를 하다
close the curtains 커튼을 닫다

Practice 1:

1) The boy is cooking.

2) The girl is sleeping.

3) The boy is washing his hands.

4) The girl is feeding the cat.

5) The man is talking on the phone.

6) The boy is doing the dishes.

Part 2

Words 2:

sing 노래하다
write (글을) 쓰다
study 공부하다
knock 두드리다
move 옮기다
mop (대걸레로) 닦다
take a science class 과학 수업을 듣다
draw[paint] a picture 그림을 그리다[색칠하다]
enter a classroom 교실에 들어가다
pick up trash 쓰레기를 줍다
read a book 책을 읽다
sweep the floor 바닥을 쓸다

Practice 2:

1) The girl is singing.

2) The boy is writing.

3) The girl is studying.

4) The boy is knocking on the door.

5) The boy is moving the desk.

6) The girl is mopping the floor.

Part 3

Words 3:

eat 먹다
clap 박수치다
stand 서다
push 밀다
buy 사다
wait in line 줄을 서서 기다리다
sit 앉다
dance 춤추다
talk to ~에게 말하다
send a package 소포를 보내다
go up the stairs 계단을 오르다
buy[sell] fruit 과일을 사다[팔다]
look at the flower 꽃을 바라보다
watch a movie 영화를 보다
drink juice[milk] 주스[우유]를 마시다

Practice 3:

1) The boy is eating.

2) The girl is clapping.

3) The boy is standing.

4) The girl is pushing the cart.

5) The woman is buying a ticket.

6) The man is waiting in line.