Part 1
Words 1:
chocolate | 초콜릿 |
delicious | 맛있는 |
go out | 밖으로 나가다 |
dark | 어두운 |
get | 사주다 |
help | 돕다 |
study | 공부하다 |
join a reading club | 독서 클럽에 들다 |
use one’s cell phone | ~의 핸드폰을 사용하다 |
bring one’s umbrella | ~의 우산을 가져오다 |
Practice 1:
A: Can I have some chocolate?
B: Yes, you can. It’s delicious.
A: May I go out after dinner?
B: No, you may not. It’s dark.
A: Could you buy me some juice?
B: Of course. I’ll get some.
A: Will you help me study?
B: Sure, I’d be happy to.
Part 2
Words 2:
clean | 청소하다 |
right now | 당장 |
turn off | 끄다 |
wait a minute | 잠시 기다리다 |
late | 늦은 |
worry | 걱정하다 |
had better | ~하는 게 좋다 |
All right. | 알겠어 |
go home | 집에 가다 |
finish one’s homework | ~의 숙제를 끝내다 |
go out and play | 밖에 나가서 놀다 |
step on the grass | 잔디를 밟다 |
go to bed | 자러 가다 |
turn on | 켜다 |
Practice 2:
A: Clean your room right now.
B: Okay. I will.
A: It’s time to turn off the computer.
B: Oh, I see. Wait a minute.
A: Don’t be late for our meeting.
B: Don’t worry.
A: You’d better wash your face.
B: All right.
Part 3
Words 3:
go swimming | 수영하러 가다 |
make sandwiches | 샌드위치를 만들다 |
good idea | 좋은 생각 |
carry one’s bag | ~의 가방을 들다 |
kind | 친절한 |
play basketball | 농구를 하다 |
early | 일찍 |
make a mask | 가면을 만들다 |
play baseball | 야구를 하다 |
play soccer | 축구를 하다 |
go camping | 캠핑하러 가다 |
go fishing | 낚시하러 가다 |
eat out | 외식하다 |
Practice 3:
A: I’m going swimming. Would you like to go with me?
B: Sure, I’d like to.
A: How about making sandwiches for lunch?
B: That’s a good idea.
A: Do you need help carrying your bag?
B: Oh, that’s very kind of you. Thank you.
A: Why don’t we play basketball after school?
B: Sorry. I can’t. I have to go home early.