Speaking Patterns (Basic)

Part 1. 세상의 중심 ‘나’와 ‘너’- I, You 패턴

Unit 1. I’m…

Unit 2. I’m -ing….

Unit 3. I’m not….

    Unit 4. You’re….

      Unit 5. Are you…?

        Part 2. 중학교 실력으로 말한다 – this, that, there, it 패턴

        Unit 6. This is…. / That’s….

          Unit 7. There’s…. / There are….

            Unit 8. It’s…. / Is it…?

              Part 3. 안 쓰고는 못 배기는 조동사 패턴

              Unit 9. I can’t….

                Unit 10. Can I…?/ Can you…?

                  Unit 11. will / have to

                    Unit 12. may / must / had better etc.

                      Unit 13. I’d…. / Would you…?

                        Unit 14. 조동사 + have p.p.

                          Part 4. 네이티브가 매일 쓰는 핵심 동사 패턴

                          Unit 15. have

                            Unit 16. like / enjoy

                              Unit 17. need

                                Unit 18. think

                                  Unit 19. want / wish / hope

                                    Unit 20. feel / look / sound / taste / seem

                                      Unit 21. I don’t / didn’t….

                                        Unit 22. Do you…?/ Does it…?

                                          Part 5. 궁금한 것은 못 참는다 – 의문사 패턴

                                          Unit 23. What…?

                                            Unit 24. How…?

                                              Unit 25. Why…?

                                                Unit 26. Where…? / When…?

                                                  Part 6. 쉬워 보이는데 입에서 안 나와- 특급 회화 패턴

                                                  Unit 27. have p.p.

                                                    Unit 28. thanks / sorry

                                                      Unit 29. 회화에 날개를 달아주는 패턴

                                                        Unit 30. 감탄문/Let’s

                                                          Unit 31. 명령문