Lesson Plan 5.1 “Where are you from?”
Lesson objectives: Students should demonstrate their speaking proficiency by being able to ask a random person two questions about their name and their nationality.
Lesson materials: School Textbook and scafe.club (https://scafe.club/wirim/) online resource.
*(Optional) set of printed and laminated cards with English names and nationalities.
Warmup: teacher asks students two questions in English of lesson 5.1: “what’s your name?” and “where are you from?” eliciting their reply in English. The teacher explains that students are going to practice asking these questions as if they were travelling around the world and meeting foreigners.
(Before the actual speaking practice, the teacher guides students on how to open “scafe.club” website (https://scafe.club/wirim/) on their tablets and how to navigate between different sections of the website [Voca] -> [Lesson 5.1] -> [Names] -> [Greetings] -> [Countries] -> [Speaking] -> [Lesson 5.1] -> [homepage], by this on his tablet and verbally commenting it in English, until students can perform the required tasks by hearing teachers verbal commands only. Using English commands is preferred. Ideally, with sufficient practice, students should be able to navigate to the required section by hearing their teacher command: “Ok., everyone. Please, open the speaking website and go to the Voca section, lesson 5.1 Countries!” Such command should be understood clearly without raising any confusion among students. If some students are still having difficulty following teachers commands, they should be put together with stronger students who can perform the task and instruct their classmates.
Step 1 (Vocabulary)
On the “scafe.club” website teacher and students first go to the [Voca] (Vocabulary) section to the materials of Lesson 5.1. In each part of the Lesson [names], [greetings & closures], [countries] teacher and students review the contents of the lesson and practice pronunciation of each word. Alternatively, students could play audio for each word and pronounce it as a review without direct supervision of the teacher. After finishing practising all the words of the lesson in the [Vocabulary Section] students are divided into pairs and practice words alternatively with their partners. (Recommendation: students should be paired on strong+weak partner basis. However, their personal preferences of selecting the partners should be taken into account as well) After finishing their practice students show their speaking competence to the teacher by pronouncing all/random words of the Lesson.
Step 2 (Dialogue)
Students are divided into pairs. Having open the dialogue of Lesson 5.1 in the [Speaking Section] of the “scafe.club” on the all tablets, (each student has his/her tablet open and ready) Teacher performs a dialogue with student-helper (most willing and advanced student in the class) for a few times first. Then the teacher randomly performs the same dialogue with one (stronger) partner of each pair of students while the other students observe and listen to the performed dialogue. After completing this stage, students go into pair practice while the teacher observes their performance and notices theirs misstates. Having completed their training with partners students chose new partners and practice dialogue with other students.
Step 3 (Master Practice)
Having sufficiently practised the scripted dialogue students go to the final stage of the lesson with their partners by opening the [Master Practice] section of the lesson. The Master Practice section has cards only, without descriptions or scripts (alternatively pre-made set of printed cards can be used). Students should be able to elicit replies and collect required information from their partners in English (Name+Nationality).
*The lesson can be repeated later and vocabulary practised individually for the review and memory reinforcement purposes, in other words, the lesson is never actually over.
*”scafe.club” [Speaking Practice] section will also develop integrated dialogues which will incorporate into themselves all earlier learned dialogues.