I Can Speak

Part 1

Lesson 1. My Favourite Color is Yellow

내가 가장 좋아하는 색은 노란색이예요

Speaking Practice

Lesson 2. It Looks Like a Square

정사각형처럼 보입니다

Speaking Practice

Lesson 3. This Is My Hamster Sam

이것은 나의 햄스터 샘입니다

Speaking Practice

Lesson 4. I like carrots

나는 당근을 좋아해

Speaking Practice

Lesson 5. She’s My Mother

그녀는 나의 어머니

Speaking Practice

Lesson 6. I’m Happy

나는 행복하다

Speaking Practice

Lesson 7. I don’t have my pencil

내 연필이 없어

Speaking Practice

Lesson 8. It’s cold and snowing

춥고 눈이 와요

Speaking Practice

Lesson 9. Wear Your Sweater

스웨터를 입으세요

Speaking Practice

Lesson 10. He Has Big Eyes

그는 눈이 크다

Speaking Practice